Much of the Plan’s success derives from the sense of achievement that participants feel as they master new skills at an amazing rate.This sense of being on the cutting edge, of being an intellectual explorer, can be undermined if the child’s first exposure to the Plan involves material that he or she already knows -- a particular risk in the case of entry into the Plan by children who are age 4 or older.
What should you do if the earliest Sample Homeworks look too easy for your child?You probably can guess the answer: start your child at a later Sample Homework! Flip through the Sample Homeworks until you reach a level that you think is about right for your child as an entry point, and begin there.Remember also that you do not have to do the entire Sample Homework – feel free to work only on the parts that will be interesting to your child.There is nothing wrong with a short but interesting homework session; there is a lot that is wrong with a dull homework session.
The following chart describes where in the Sample Homeworks key skills are introduced, and may help you determine the appropriate entry point for your child: