What can you expect if your child begins the Pittsburgh Plan at an early age?Our experience to date suggests that your child will have mastered the following (among many other things!) by the beginning of first grade:
recognition and identification of up to seven-digit numbers;
multi-digit addition including carrying (e.g., 689 + 974);
multi-digit subtraction including borrowing (e.g., 2,012 – 988);
two-digit multiplication (e.g., 12 x 31);
Multiplication with carrying (e.g., 29 x 3);
simple division;
recognition and identification of fractions;
geometrical meaning of fractions;
simple addition of fractions (e.g., 2/7 + 4/7); and
the place system for base 10.
Typical Workshet of a Plan Participant (Age 5), click to enlarge